Judy! On the issues!

Public Safety

Protecting the people of Manteca is my utmost priority. As your Councilmember, I will seek new funding sources to retain and recruit police officers for our Police and Fire Departments. I am committed to partnering with our Police to initiate neighborhood patrols in every district. I will strive to secure funding for a much-needed new police station and an additional fire station on the south side of Manteca.


Homelessness undermines our sense of security and safety. We must persist in our plans to get individuals off the streets and out of our parks and into substance abuse treatment, mental health care, and job training programs that support their recovery and reintegration. The navigation center is a crucial initial step in their journey toward health and productivity in our community. At the same time, we must empower law enforcement to remove the criminal element from our streets.

Local Jobs

To enhance the quality of life for all Mantecans, we must attract jobs that offer family-sustaining wages, enabling residents to live and work within our community. This will create local prosperity, bolster community pride, cut down on commute times, and increase time spent with family and friends.


Our infrastructure must catch up with and evolve in tandem with our city's growth. We need to implement strategies to alleviate traffic, curb speeding, and prevent reckless driving. Additionally, we must update our parks for residents to enjoy their community and connect with neighbors.


Manteca continues to draw new inhabitants. We must embrace intelligent growth policies that balance residential construction with commercial and industrial opportunities. The city must double its efforts to reach out to attract high quality retail stores, entertainment and restaurants that cater to our new demographic strength. It's imperative that new developments contribute their fair share towards roads, schools, and infrastructure. We must also demand that new housing projects cover the long-term expenses of police and fire services, as well as ongoing road maintenance.

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